+91 833-694-6881 | +91 743-969-0721 romalindahospital@gmail.com Doltala, Jessore Road, Kolkata

Clinical Pathology

The lab is equipped with

  • An fasted Urine Chemistry Analyzer – FDA, CE approved.
  • Screening for drugs of abuse.


  • Well trained technicians and qualified pathologists.
  • Cytopathology – Facility for guided FNACs.
  • The laboratory will have different levels of quality control to be processed to measures the department.
  • Inter Laboratory Quality Assurance Programs – ILQA to be initialized soon.
  • Regular Internal audits to monitor SOPs.
Pathology is the scientific study of structural and functional changes in disease or the alterations that occur when abnormal influences (bacteria,viruses etc.) affect cells, tissues, or body systems. More specifically,pathology may be defined as the "scientific study of the molecular, cellular,tissue, or organ system response to injurious agents or adverse influences." Actually, pathology provides a logical means of relating the knowledge of normal structure and function (anatomy and physiology) to abnormal structure and function as encountered by a disease. It should be emphasized that pathology, as the scientific study of disease, follows the morbid process from its inception to its termination, and investigates the lesions produced.

Hospital will be having 500 beds, 8 no.Operation Theatres and will be having inpatient treatment facility including all types of surgeries/procedures as prescribed by the OPD department. A full fledged in-house Canteen facility for the patient’s diet as well as for the visitors will be available.

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Head Office

Doltala, Jessore Road, P.O.Ganganagar, 24 PGNS (N), Kolkata - 700132
+91 833-694-6881 | +91 743 969 0721

+91 743-962-4703